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PSHE Intent

At Cranbrook Primary we highly value the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) wellbeing of all our pupils. Our approach to PSHE is to develop our children through the use of pupil voice so that they become articulate and confident communicators.

We are wholeheartedly committed to the Equalities agenda and believe that all children have the right to high quality education and that this should begin as early as possible.

Our curriculum intent at Cranbrook is designed to provide opportunities to widen their horizons through raising aspirations to enable our children to reach their full potential to become successful life-long learners.
Our schools’ ethos, values (Equality, Respect, Resilience and Kindness) and teaching of PSHE will further empower our children to live safe, happy, healthy and productive lives.

Our curriculum will support and guide children to become critical thinkers and build resilience so that they are able to develop an understanding to achieve and succeed in an ever changing and challenging society.  In turn, they will be able to develop the skills necessary to take an active role in their community and manage their lives effectively.
The PSHE curriculum provision encompasses the three core themes:
Living in the Wider World - exploring aspects of rights and responsibilities, citizenship, environment and money
Relationships - covers feelings and emotions, healthy relationships and valuing differences
Health and Wellbeing - covers topics of healthy lifestyles, growing and changing and keeping safe. 
We actively promote British Values and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We believe that these underpin us as good citizens and as a result are interwoven within the whole of our curriculum provision at Cranbrook.

The curriculum at Cranbrook, is enveloped within the core principles of SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural). SMSC is fundamental for children and young people's personal development, as well as the development of society as a whole and this will ensure that every child at our school is given a good chance to become positive, confident and responsible individuals and thus citizens.

Our policy for PSHE is used in conjunction with the Equality Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Anti Bullying Policy, Online Safety Policy, Behaviour and Discipline Policy and RSHE Policy. 

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