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Plan de estudios



En la escuela primaria de Cranbrook proporcionamos a nuestros niños un plan de estudios rico, equilibrado y significativo. Seguimos un enfoque curricular creativo y, cuando es posible, tratamos de vincular temas en todas las materias. Además, la enseñanza se ve reforzada por viajes, visitantes a la escuela y días de inicio / finalización de temas para promover el aprendizaje de por vida. Las descripciones generales del plan de estudios que se comparten durante los talleres para padres destacan los vínculos entre el plan de estudios, incluidas las conexiones con los valores británicos.


Nuestros rompecabezas del plan de estudios brindan una descripción general del contenido del plan de estudios nacional para cada período.  El plan de estudios nacional de Inglaterra establece los conocimientos y las habilidades que se enseñarán en todas las escuelas financiadas por el estado. Establece que todas las escuelas públicas deben ofrecer un plan de estudios equilibrado que promueva el desarrollo espiritual, moral, cultural, mental y físico de los alumnos en la escuela / sociedad y prepare a los alumnos en la escuela para las oportunidades, responsabilidades y experiencias de la vida posterior.  


Los principios que sustentan nuestro plan de estudios incluyen:

  • Desarrollar la curiosidad en nuestros alumnos para que se conviertan en aprendices independientes con una verdadera pasión por aprender.

  • Animar a los alumnos a ser respetuosos de las diversas culturas.

  • Preparar a los alumnos con las habilidades para las oportunidades, responsabilidades y experiencias de la vida en la Gran Bretaña moderna.

  • Apoyar a nuestros alumnos para que se vuelvan 'aspirantes' y alcancen su máximo potencial.

  • Desarrollar una conciencia, aprecio y compromiso con el área local.


At CPS, as a local authority maintained school we welcome all pupils, no matter what their starting point, and actively celebrate the diversity that exists within our school community and society in general. We are wholeheartedly committed to the Equalities agenda and believe that all children have the right to high quality education and that this should begin as early as possible.

In line with the SEN Code of Practice, we believe that our pupils with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) have an entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum and that our role is to work in close partnership with parents, carers and other agencies to offer the best provision that we can to develop independence and good communication and life skills.

For our children with additional needs we use a personalised approach and make reasonable adjustments, which enable them to have access to learning opportunities that nurture and develop these skills in a safe and secure environment.

We work successfully with a range of agencies, such as SALT, SEATTs, Occupational Health and Educational Psychologists to facilitate children’s learning, so that the approach is bespoke to each child’s needs.

Like all pupils, SEND pupils deserve a rich diet of all subjects. Through quality CPD and additional roles, such as LSAs, ELSAs, learning mentor and play therapist, we support the class teachers to ensure children have the skills to access learning in a wide range of subjects through adapting our approach for individuals as necessary. The non-core subjects, such as the Arts, we believe are a valuable way of engaging and capturing children’s interest and can be very successful in engaging SEND pupils.


Our Early Years team strive to provide an environment where children feel safe, happy, supported and secure. We consider each child’s interests, wants and needs so that they are ready to learn and excel. We are committed to providing quality Early Years education that is; creative, challenging, active and broad in scope, in order to develop a thirst and excitement for learning. Children develop a strong sense of self while also learning to play, negotiate and co-operate with others. Children experience a broad and balanced curriculum reinforced by high quality teaching and learning that meets individual needs. We work in partnership with families so that parents and carers are fully involved as their children’s first educators. Children are guided on a nurturing journey enabling them to become confident communicators, inquisitive, imaginative and empathetic learners. The fully inclusive and personalised curriculum promotes independence and encourages children to embrace challenge and to persevere.


Cranbrook Primary School follows the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. This Framework specifies the requirements for learning and development in the Early Years and it is organised into seven Areas of Learning and Development. Through a well organised, stimulating and engaging environment, the children will organise their own play and will demonstrate positive characteristics of effective teaching and learning – playing and exploring (engagement), active learning (motivation) and creating and thinking critically (thinking). We plan a broad and balanced curriculum that values children’s prior learning and cultural backgrounds in order to widening their horizons. Our child initiated topics incorporate our schools core values of Equality, Respect, Resilience and Kindness.


Our carefully planned lessons aim to capture the children’s attention and imagination and create a sense of awe and wonder. We listen to children’s ideas, assess what they already know about a topic and question what they would like to learn. Topic themes and learning opportunities are selected according to the children’s own interests.  They build on children’s prior learning, skills and knowledge.  Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development are at the heart of all learning. Topics are planned to ensure appropriate depth and challenge. The timetable is organised effectively to ensure a balance of teacher directed and child initiated activities and learning through play is vital. We use the environment to ensure the children’s needs are met through the continuous provision and enhanced provision, and by following their interests. Our continuous provision challenges the children to push boundaries, take risks and create their own learning pathways.

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