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  Mire el enlace a continuación para ayudar a su hijo con la enseñanza de la fonética.

Reading, being read to, and sharing books in the home helps to build a child’s vocabulary and understanding of the world. Research shows children who start school with good vocabulary and communication skills make friends more easily, have fewer behavioural issues and are more likely to do well academically. A strong, early foundation in language has even been linked to better mental health as children get older. To help establish reading, children should be reading at home daily, with the support of an adult where possible. Daily reading builds fluency and a love of reading. We value the important role parents and carers have in supporting their child’s reading development. We recommend that children read with an adult for 15-20 minutes a day at home and parents support their child in keeping their reading record up to date to allow parent-teacher communication. Take a look at the online resources and tips below which offers children a range of books, supports decoding, understanding and comprehension.

Top Tips - To Support Reading at Home 
Click here to download


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